Mitgliederübersicht Praline1

Benutzerprofil von Praline1

Dabei seit: 07.04.2010

Besucher: 6623
Freunde: 2
Forum: 200

Praline1 .

hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Dear yoli, it was so nice to hear from you that all went well in hospital. Fortunately an angel was with you! I wish you all the best for the next time and that you recover soon from the operation. Greetings to you and all the others in this forum, Dörte
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hi yoli, good luck from me, too. I hope for you that you will feel better after your stay in hospital. During that time you can remember all the good things that happened while you were in Marocco. Maybe that will help you! During the last days I have spent quite a lot of time with my daughter and her little sons. She didn`t feel well so that I tried to help her a bit - at least with her elder son. Fortunately she lives only one kilometre away from our home so that I don`t need much time to go there. Today the weather makes much honor to its name - April weather. I don`t know whether this is the right term. But I think you all know what I mean! Sun and rain change a lot. Greetings to all of you and especially to you, yoli. Dörte
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hi yoli, what you wrote about your incident on your trip back really sounds strange. The praying man showed a lot of trust in Allah! Or did he want to test him?? Like Maxi we spent some time with our children. Our daughter had invited us for breakfast on Easter Sunday. Also the family of our son-in-law had come. As our two grand-sons are rather lively time passed very soon. As you can imagine it is quite some work with a nearly 3 years old boy and a 4 months old baby. That`s why my help is often required. But I really enjoy it. It seems as if spring soon will come. April weather has already started with sometimes sunshine and sometimes rain. At least last Saturday the sun was shining all day long. My husband and I spent the day at the North Sea where we are modernising our flat. As I could not help very much I did a walk and enjoyed the heavy wind. This was the latest news from me. Greetings to all of you. Dörte
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hello yoli, welcome back after such a long time. I am sure you can tell a lot about your trip. I am looking forward to your report. How do you feel at home again? Maybe you now have to get used to the German weather which so far is not so very warm.. Perhaps after Easter spring will come. Have some nice Easter days. Greetings, Dörte
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hello everybody, merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you - especially to you, yoli, so far away from home. May the year 2016 bring health, happyness and peace. Maybe this forum will even be continued by many writers.. Greetings from Dörte
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hi Margret, I think it`s nice that you want to join us. The more people are writing here the more it will be interesting. Yoli and Fedi, your lives have not been easy. Learning on the pillow has been very successful, Fedi!! I also read the book you mentioned as well as the second one - but in German. The English version would have been too difficult to read for me. To find all the unknown vocabulary - that would have taken too much time... Contrary to both of you my childhood and later life have been happy. My parents made it possible for me to go to school till the school leaving examination. As I didn`t want to study I spent one year in Hamburg where I got an education as a secretary for foreign languages - English, French and Spanish. Unfortunately I didn`t really need my knowledge at my different working places and so I have forgotten a lot. Later I could help my children at school. The information about Leipzig was very interesting. Especially I like everything concerning music. Although it didn`t function with the American music student - I am very interested in classic music. I love concerts with brass instruments predominantly trumpet. Maybe you know Ludwig Güttler whose concerts I listened to several times. For more than 50 years I have been singing in different choirs as a soprano. When I was 40 years old I fulfilled my dream to take singing lessons just for fun. I would have liked to do so earlier. But my parents didn`t have money for that. Well, now you know a lot more about my life. May the others follow.. Kind regards, Dörte
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hello everybody, it`s funny that you know Waltenschwil, Yoli, although it is only a small village, isn`t it? I don`t really remember exactly after such a long time. Barbel, I would like to hear more about your town. In fact I have never been in Leipzig. Most of my life I have spent in Bremen respectively nearby. Another "love story" out of my life: When I was 16 years old I listened to an American choir and fell in love with a trombone player. For two years we wrote a lot of letters to each other. After one year the twin brother came to see me on his way back from Atheopia. We spent two nice weeks together. He already had a fiancée in the United States. The year after my friend came to Germany and stayed here for 4 weeks. We thought that our love was big enough to spend our lives together in the future. At that time he still studied music and I learned at a school for foreign languages. But then the sad end came when I flew to Chicaco and stayed with his family for 6 weeks. Meanwhile my friend had fallen in love with an American girl who also studied music. Unfortunately I had no chance to compete with her. You can imagine how sad I was when I returned to Germany. And where did I go?? You are right: I spent some time with my friend in Switzerland. Soon after this sad happening I met my husband and now I am happy that the American story ended this way! Fedi, I am rather impressed by your sportive activities. During the school time I hated sports. But for a very long time I have done (?) gymnastics and callanetics. I am cycling a lot and I do Reha sports after I got an artificial hip joint 8 years ago. So you see I am not a couch potato! It sounds as if you don`t like your work and look forward to its end. Why is it so? Or do I be too curious? Another question: Why is your English that excellent? Did you spend any time abroad? With a lot of questions I stop writing. Kind regards, Dörte
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hi Yoli, your theme seems to be too difficult for me to answer in English. As to the German birth-rate I can mention that my daughter just tries to increase it. She will have another son in November if there will be no problems.. I can only write in a simple way. Maybe this will not be interesting for you. Anyway I do so. As to Switzerland I have got nice memories. Many years ago a very good friend of mine lived in Waltenschwil near Zürich. Several times I went to see her - especially when I felt lovesickness. After a heavy dispute with my fiancé I spent some time in Waltenschwil. He followed me soon with his Beetle, took me back and two months later we were married and still we are... One of the photos, Fedi, shows you in a fitness centre. It seems as if you are rather sportive. Do you spend a lot of time there? My husband and I spent the weekend at the Northern Sea where we have an apartment of our own. By chance a beachtennis-match took place there. So our sportive activities consisted of watching the participants. It was quite interesting. So far - my simple contribution. Dörte
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hello to everybody, it seems as if you are travelling around quite a lot, Yoli. I wish you interesting impressions and a good time. When looking through the different forums with foreign languages I also found you writing Spanish. I could understand what was written because a long time ago I learned this language for about a year. But I am not at all able to write myself. As to the holidays: The beginning in the different federal states changes every year. In Bremen and "Niedersachsen" holidays only started on July 23rd and will end on September 2nd. It really is rather late. At the moment it feels as if not summer holidays have begun but automn holidays.. Fedi, you asked why I don`t use my nickname in this forum. I think it is more personal to sign with my real name and I would prefer to also know the real names of my "partners" in the forums. It would also be nice to know their faces. Hopefully you don`t think all of a sudden that you waste your time here and "mit einem Federstrich" you disappear... Bye for now, Dörte
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hello everybody, did I mention that "leo" is my best friend? I really can recommend "him". When I still wrote in the French forum one of the participants told me that he could be a real help. It was great to find all your contributions here. After a long time of silence this is a nice surprise. Just as Federstrich I hope that this will remain so. I would like to know why each of you decided to take your special nick name. As you may guess I like to eat chocolate and especially candies - therefore "Praline". Each evening I substitute bread for chocolate (or the other way round??). Here in the northern part of Germany it seems as if the summer has gone. Today it was raining a lot and it was rather cold - 17°. I feel pity for the children whose holidays began on Thursday. They would surely prefer sunshine and warmth. But hope dies last. Anyway have a nice week. Dörte
